Courtney again,
I want just say that 3 of my wishes are complete but not fully. Because it will take longer to take affect if you don't do all 8 of the tasks, so MAKE SURE YOU DO THE TASKS!!!
I am NOT saying that this site doesn't work (IT REALLY DOES WORK :D), I am just trying to say don't do the same mistake as I did and make SO many wishes at once otherwise you'll end up waiting a for quite a while and the maximum would be around a month, so DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE!!!
But if you like waiting and it's not important, BE MY GUEST and make as many wishes as you want but not too many that no more can be granted, otherwise that would suck :(! But you can still at least do the 8 tasks for the one REALLY IMPORTANT wish!
I will try and keep posting every day/evening to keep you guys up to date with things and as I said, if you have any questions about anything then just email me at courtneylamanna2@gmail.com or leave as a comment with your email address so I can answer it (and I promise I won't laugh at your question or tell other people about it - It WILL be kept private!)
Take Care,
Courts :D
make a real wish: http://www.real-wishes.com
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