Friday, March 8, 2013

And I forgot, that if you leave a comment saying something like 'make a wish', then I already have and I made a lot - I think about 16 wishes - but that is why in my first couple of posts I say make 1 wish to start off, otherwise you'll end up like me, waiting for around a month for my wish to be granted.
So please DON'T leave a comment saying to "make a wish" because I already have - and I am not being rude or anything, I am just putting it out there that I HAVE made a wish (more like a dozen or more wishes) :D .

Take care,
Courts :D

1 comment:

  1. <a href="" title="make a real wish" name="make a real wish" Make your wishes come true at this site and check it out believe in the power of 8.
