Friday, March 8, 2013

And I forgot, that if you leave a comment saying something like 'make a wish', then I already have and I made a lot - I think about 16 wishes - but that is why in my first couple of posts I say make 1 wish to start off, otherwise you'll end up like me, waiting for around a month for my wish to be granted.
So please DON'T leave a comment saying to "make a wish" because I already have - and I am not being rude or anything, I am just putting it out there that I HAVE made a wish (more like a dozen or more wishes) :D .

Take care,
Courts :D
Hey guys!
Courtney here, as always :) .
I want to ask if anyone has had their wish granted, don't tell me the wish (as it says not to), I just want to know if it has come true for anyone yet? Anyone?
If it has, just leave a comment and I will congratulate you in having a successful wish :D.

Also, don't forget that if you need help or want to know some questions about the website, just leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Ok?

Take care,
Courtney :D

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hey Bloggers!!!
Sorry about yesturday's typing, I was sooooooo tired! I barely slept and I had quite a rough day at home.
ANYWAYS, who has tried the website and made a wish? Anyone?
If you would like to tell me, then just leave a comment, and I'm not asking you to tell me what the wish is, I just want to know if you tried the website, that's all.

Take Care,
Courts :D

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hey Bloggers,
I just wanted to say hi and remember to COMPLETE THE 8 TASKS.
Because like I said, it will take a long time if you don't do any of the tasks. Even if you do some, that WILL help.

Take Care,
Courts L :D

Friday, March 1, 2013

Hi People,
What's up?
Nothing, ok.
Now I am going to ask you peeps a question: How many of you have tried this website?
And I mean Anybody?
Well if you have tried this and it worked for you, then if you want you can comment on my blog boasting about the fact that your wish came true, I don't mind.

Take Care,
Courts :D